If you missed our Fighting Pretty Conversations event in January with authors Lauren Tarpley and Dr. Courtney Burnett, no worries. Here's a recap that is sure to help you feeling inspired.
We all know, every single January, everywhere you look people are talking about how it’s time for “New Year, New You.” At Fighting Pretty, we have to disagree. There’s nothing wrong with this year's you! You are strong, fierce, beautiful, and amazing. You are getting through each day, doing the best you can and that’s freaking awesome. But, there’s always value in taking a moment to evaluate your perspective and shift your outlook.
We hosted authors Courtney and Lauren to help us take a look at just how much a cancer diagnosis can shake your perspective on yourself and on the world. Whether you used to be wild, and are now clinging hard to those who matter the most; or you’re using your experience to advocate and educate others, both agree that writing your way through your experience can be one of the most helpful ways to process your cancer journey.
Whether it's writing in a journal, on a blog, or messages to yourself on your mirror, whatever you need to do to get your feelings out, and give yourself room to breathe is worth it. Hey, you might just write a book yourself!
Lauren reminded us: the statistics are scary. One out of every two people in the U.S. will get cancer in their lifetime. Being a type A personality, Lauren Tarpley sat down to write a highly informative yet personable book to help others navigate their diagnosis, to try and give them back a little bit of power and be able to advocate for themselves. In her book Type A Guide to Cancer, Lauren talks about all the things she wishes she'd known about what patients go through after receiving a cancer diagnosis.

She provides tips for every step of the process, such as navigating doctor's appointments, chemo, surgeries, radiation, grants, caretakers and support systems, as well as the process as a whole. She hopes telling the story of her own journey can help others get through this difficult time in their lives. You can purchase Lauren’s book, The Type A Guide to Cancer, anywhere books are sold.
Dr. Courtney Burnett is an internal medicine physician living despite brain cancer. Her brain tumor journey started in January of 2020 when she was studying medicine in Chiang Mai, Thailand. While there, Courtney began to have strange neurological symptoms and ended up diagnosing herself with a brain tumor, and the story only gets crazier from there.
Even as a physician, a brain tumor diagnosis is confusing, overwhelming, and terrifying. Throughout her journey, Courtney has used writing as a therapeutic way to cope with her diagnosis. On day one of treatment, she started a blog which gained an unexpected worldwide following. Readers encouraged Courtney to turn the blog into a book.

Courtney took on the challenge and published her first book called Difficult Gifts: A Physician’s Journey to Heal Body and Mind. Difficult Gifts is honest and liberating memoir sharing Courtney's intimate story teaching us the value of a difficult gift: a gift that teaches us, motivates us, changes us, and inspires us. Using lessons learned as a physician, a patient, an avid reader, and a student of Buddhist wisdom, Courtney shares how sometimes, suffering can open a door to happiness, and through dying, we can learn to fully live.
Difficult Gifts is sold through all major book outlets, and maybe even a library near you.

For daily inspiration from each of these authors, follow them on Instagram:
- Lauren Tarpley @typeaguidetocancer
- Dr. Courtney Burnett @courtneyjburnett