My first journey with cancer started at the age of 14.
Out of nowhere, I started feeling sick and my ovaries were hurting. I decided to go in and get my yearly 'ladies check up", where they informed me that I had a strand of HPV that was cancerous. Almost immediately, I started treatment that would go on for several years.
My early twenties was more chaotic than anyone could imagine; I not only found out that I was four months pregnant, but I was pregnant with twins. Only one week later, I was given the most devastated news: I was diagnosed with uteran cancer. I had to make the difficult decision to either have my children aborted, or start chemotherapy as soon as I gave birth.

A month after this news, Tristen passed away inside of me. I didn't realize this had happened until a following ultrasound. I stayed in the hospital for one full month, as the doctors were making sure that Dustin, the surviving twin, was healthy and safe to birth.
On November 13, 2012, a seven pound beautiful baby boy was born. Right after I had given birth, I started chemotherapy and needed a hysterectomy along with blood transfusion.
At this point, we had all thought I was cancer free.

Several years went by, and in 2019 everything changed. Between dealing with my parents' health and not having told anyone about my kidney and stomach cancer. I finally filled in my mom, and suddenly my rapid weight loss made sense.
As 2020-2021 arrived, I kept having more seizures and more seizures. I am epileptic and have dementia due to TBI, as I still have mini Tia's while I’m having a seizure. My neurologist had me schedule an MRI, where I learned that I also have Brain Cancer. I kept thinking to myself that I must be positive and keep at it. On September 21st of this year, I have found out that I have Breast Cancer.
So, to all of my fellow warriors: we're going to have some rough trials in life, but continue to smile always! You never ever know who you are inspiring. As Hebrews 4:14 says Hold on to God; lean on God with everything you have. Even though we often feel like it’s the last strand, we have God and our beautiful families and friends cheering us all on. Don’t give up and Fight Pretty! Embrace your beautiful journey it’s someone’s else’s life survival tip.
Love Alexandra
If you know someone battling cancer, and you want to help them feel strong and beautiful, send a Pretty Package today!