The most valuable lesson I’ve learned in creating daily rituals is self-compassion. Not every day will be filled with energy and motivation, and that’s okay. I’ve learned to honor my energy levels by creating variations of my daily rituals—some days, I move through them with ease, and on others, I simplify.
On days when I feel motivated, I fully engage in my rituals. Before chemotherapy treatments, I prioritized an early bedtime to wake up feeling as prepared as possible. Sometimes, I would wake up four hours early to move through my practices—drinking hot water with lemon, gentle movement, prayer, chanting, meditation. A warm shower followed, along with an outfit that balanced confidence with accessibility for my port. A touch of blush and brows made me feel like myself. I nourished my body without restriction—sometimes eggs and toast, sometimes a donut. I listened to my body because I knew its cravings were guiding me.
But this isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice. I drove myself to treatment because I need that solitude, that space to center myself. My bag was always packed with essentials—water, reading material, my journal, and earbuds. Some days, I immersed myself in music, while other days, I embraced connection with those around me.
This wasn’t my reality in 2019 when I first faced breast cancer. I was in a dark place, uncertain how to ask for help. I longed for someone to tell me what to do, to save me. That isolation was heavy, but in time, I realized that the power to shift my experience was within me.
Rituals Are Intentional Acts
Anything can become a ritual when done with presence and intention. Whether it’s making a cup of tea, preparing a meal, or stepping outside for fresh air—these simple acts can anchor us. My goal is not to tell you what to do, but to empower you to create a life you feel present in.
On days when my energy is lower, I lean into grounding rituals—hot water with lemon, stepping outside to sync with the sun, and feeling the earth beneath my feet. These small moments bring me back to myself.
Below I’ve included a variation of what my morning routine looks like. If you feel called to, use this exact routine, but I encourage you to find what works for you and your season of life.
My Daily Rituals
*6:00-7:00 AM Wake Up* Depending on the season, I allow my body to wake naturally within this timeframe.
*Self-Reiki in Bed* A gentle way to start my day with self-care and intentional energy.
*Light Stretching in Bed* Eases my body into movement and flo
*Get Up and Make My Bed* A simple but powerful way to set the tone for the day.
*Heat Up My Water* Hydration is the foundation of my morning.
*Use the Toilet & Scrape My Tongue* A cleansing ritual to begin the day fresh.
*Hot Water with Lemon, Ginger, Turmeric & Cayenne* A nourishing, warming start for my body.
*Step Outside for Sunlight & Fresh Air* Bare feet on the earth, connecting with nature. If the weather allows, I drink my water outside.
*Journaling* I answer four key questions:
- What are three things I am grateful for today?
- What is the most important thing I need to do today?
- What is my clear intention for today?
- What qualities do I want to showcase to the world today?
These questions ground my active mind before the day begins.
*Daily Reading* I read a passage from *The Pivot Year* by Brianna Wiest—choosing a page intuitively to guide my day.
*Move My Body* Whether it’s stretching or a yoga flow, 10-15 minutes of movement (non-negotiable).
*Connecting with My Guides at My Altar* After movement, I feel more open to prayer, chanting, meditation, and journaling.
I dedicate 20-40 minutes to these practices because they make me a more grounded, present, and compassionate human.
This ritual practice has taken me two years to refine, and it continues to evolve as I do. My hope is that you find what works for you—something that brings you back yourself, no matter where you are in your journey.
Your rituals are yours. Let them serve you, not the other way around. I’m incredibly grateful and thankful for your time, presence, and energy.
With gratitude and compassion,
Aubrey Kyung